​The result is always -10 wherever the two fields are identical or not, I've tried to echo both $str1 and $str2 just to be sure they are read correctly and they are, if I change to:​$str1 = "a";$str2 = "a";echo strcmp($str1, $str2);?>​I got 0 as result (and any other result if I change the strings), where I'm wrong?"> CF6 - compare two strings - Forums


CF6 - compare two strings

riccardoc 25 May, 2020
Hello, I want to compare two strings and show a message if they are different or not, I'm using the strcmp function (in a custom HTML box) but it seems not to work, here is the code:

$str1 = "{var:read_data.tblx.FirtField}";
$str2 = "{var:read_data.tlby.SecondField}";
echo strcmp($str1, $str2); // if it work in here I'll add the IF THEN condition

The result is always -10 wherever the two fields are identical or not, I've tried to echo both $str1 and $str2 just to be sure they are read correctly and they are, if I change to:

$str1 = "a";
$str2 = "a";
echo strcmp($str1, $str2);

I got 0 as result (and any other result if I change the strings), where I'm wrong?
Max_admin 25 May, 2020
you better use the if conditions directly and use if == or !=

if you want to use PHP then you need to call the variables like this:
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
riccardoc 26 May, 2020
Thanks Max, the PHP variable call works fine. I post my code just in case it could be useful to someone.

$str1 = $this->get("read_data.tblone.FirstField");
$str2 = $this->get("read_data.tbltwo.SecondField");
if (strcmp($str1, $str2)== "0") {
echo "<i class=\"thumbs up icon green big\"></i>";
} else {
echo "<i class=\"hand paper icon red big\"></i>";
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