
Populate TCPDF with fields read from the Database

spytech 25 May, 2020

I have a form that I read data from the DB and display to the user, they do not enter it. I am trying to embed these field in to the PDF on submit but it does not work.
I have tried:
{var:read_data3.Contract.my_field_name} - This works only to display the DB data on the loaded form.

Neither work, can you let me know how I can embedd fields in my PDF that are pulled from the DB.

healyhatman 26 May, 2020
The second one, the {var:}. Works for me, maybe screenshot how you're using it
spytech 26 May, 2020
Hi, please see attached below of PDF tool and layout of the order:

healyhatman 26 May, 2020
The read_data3 action is in your load event, not your submit event. You need to read the data again.
spytech 30 May, 2020
Hi, so I have added the read data in my submit even. I tried the TCPDF in both the 'Found' section of the read data and outside that section but still does not work. I used this format - {var:read_data28.PDFRead.property_number}
It still does not feed the the PDF with the data, any ideas, see below screen shots:

healyhatman 30 May, 2020
You have it set to all matching I assume you want first found
spytech 31 May, 2020
Ah! So simple... Thanks that now works, cheers for your help, appreciate it.
alexarroyo 28 Feb, 2021
I have a similar problem, I read the database from and compare it with the dropdown value, it shows me the values on the screen and then I want to generate the pdf of the values that I have on the screen.

I read the data on the dropdown page, I reread the data comparing it to the dropdown on page 2 and I reread the data with the same comparison on page 3 which is where I generate the PDF.The dropdown value works perfectly, but the values of the database table impossible.

I try with "first record" and with "all machinig records" and nothingI have set the values of the three times I read the database and nothing.I work with joomla 3.9.24 and chornoforms7.Sorry for the google translation🙂


healyhatman 28 Feb, 2021
All Matching is when you want to retrieve several rows to display. If you only want one row, you want First Matching
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