
Chronoforms6 - receive First and Last Name in the email sent by the user

Sulis 22 May, 2020

I am writing to ask you for help in setting some features on the Chronoform6 component

I have installed the chronoform6 component and configured the contact form with the request to:
First Name; Last Name; Your Email; Your Phone Number.
Then the user will write the Reason for the Contact.

The email arrives correctly in my inbox configured inside the component in the Setup (Form Actions) section.

In addition to the email containing the reason for the contact, I would also like to receive First Name, Last Name and Phone number that the user had to enter to send me the email, in this way I would avoid asking for it, receiving a possible communication from the interested party who informs me that they have already entered it.

I have searched on the manual but I could not find any information that helped me in this regard.

I'm also sending you an image of the installed component so that it's easier to tell me in which field to act.

In the hope of being as clear and precise as possible, I look forward to possible help in implementing this function which I consider very useful in receiving the email.

Max_admin 22 May, 2020
what do you have in the setup section ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Sulis 22 May, 2020
In Setup Section I have this setup

healyhatman 23 May, 2020
So what do you get sent to you? Nothing? Something?

You could also just use the data shortcodes in the email body, e.g. {data:cognome}
Sulis 23 May, 2020
The email arrives with the reason for the contact, what the user writes in the "reason for the contact".

in the picture I posted where should I put {date:last name}?

Sulis 23 May, 2020
Sorry, I meant, in the picture I posted where should I put {date:nome}, {date:cognome}?
Max_admin 23 May, 2020
Please download v7 beta3 here:

Install, create a new Contact form, then add few fields (since you have a simple form) then save, then click "preview" on the top right corner, does it work well for you ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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