
read_data doesn't work

arvendal 14 May, 2020

I have used a read_data action to retrieve an article title from the content title on one of my webistes. I am now in process of rewriting that website and I am using a development site (i e a subdomain to the original website).

I performed an backup / restore of the current form into the dev site (I checked that the table name is correct). There's no result in the dev site contact form when I use this action read_data, that part is totally omitted in the form. Is it some kind of limitation in the free version?

I had some problems with the license since the domain suffix will change from . NU to .SE. I have bought new licenses but I don't want to use them on a temporary subdomain. So I don't know if the action will work when the site is transfered to the real domain. It has worked very well in the old version of the website. Joomla version is the same in both old and new.

Please advice
Best rgds
healyhatman 14 May, 2020
If you've changed data base, you've probably got a different suffix, which means all of the saved table names in your read data actions are now invalid so you just need to reselect the table.
arvendal 14 May, 2020
I checked this. The original table was called "r682l_content" and the new "ten8i_content". I think Chronoforms 6 picked it up automatically, because the new value was present at once.
The difference between old and new site is shown in the attached file.

Best rgds
Max_admin 15 May, 2020
If you are builing a new form then its better to wait a little and use v7 instead!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
arvendal 15 May, 2020
A new version. Exciting!
When is it due?

Best rgds
Max_admin 15 May, 2020
The beta is here:

The stable release still needs sometime!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
arvendal 15 May, 2020
I found the error. The category ID was wrong.

Best rgds

Ps. It will be interesting to use thenew version of Chronoforms
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