
Dynamic field population

duracel3634 13 May, 2020
So I have a dynamically populated dropdown field that works perfectly. From this field, based on the selection, I would like to populate a text field.

I have set up what I think is correct however the Custom Code does not appear to be populating the field when I make a selection. I have attached a backup of the settings/code for this function, what is wrong with what I am doing?

I have looked at an example that uses Conditions and Data Builder but can't see how I can apply those functions for something Dynamically populated, any suggests?
duracel3634 13 May, 2020
It would seem the upload did not happen so it is attached here[file=13020]Population_Test_13_May_2020_07_03_29.cf6bak[/file]
duracel3634 14 May, 2020
I think I am going round in circles with this. When I debug I can see the result changing according to the selection in the select field but this result is not being placed in the field.

So I have the usual default areas Load and Submit and I have added an area called dynamic. In the dynamic area I have a Read Data and Custom Code.

The Read Data result changes according to the selection in the select field.
In the custom field I have put {view:field_text2}.
The receiving field I would like to populate according to the selection I have put in the value field {var:read_data9.Data9.c_name} and in the Reload Event box I have put dynamic.

Any suggestions as to what I have forgotten?
Max_admin 19 May, 2020
If you want to set the value of a field when the value of the dropdown changes, you can do this in JavaScript (v7 has a field event to set the value of another field), or by reloading the field you want to set it's value and set the value in the reload event
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
duracel3634 19 May, 2020
Thanks for that Max, I worked that out a couple of days ago just working on a second dynamic dropdown which is populated depending on selection in dynamic Dropdown list One
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