
Having trouble uploading anything

haseren4` 26 Mar, 2020
Hello I am having trouble using the upload file feature on ChronoForums. I have enabled attachments in the setting and have done the permissions correct to my knowledge.
When I click the "File Upload" button the screen greys out and does not allow me to do anything. When I click the dialog goes away. I have attached a screenshot of what that looks like[file=12837]Capture.PNG[/file]
ctweed 08 Apr, 2020
I have just spent ages fixing this. I have variations of the problem which appear in other places, all of which have the same root cause and I've not been able to nail them all. I can confirm it's caused by bootstrap incompatibilities. In my case, the version shipped with joomla was not compatible with the one which I was using which is essential to a module I was using. So the fix was to selectively override certain CSS and JS methods in the right place. It may be very different for you, but I'll list the overrides here in case it gets you started:
Custom bootstrap to resolve version differences between the joomla stock bootstrap in /media/jui
and the custom one for the bootstrap menu. Yeah, its ugly and the real solution is to replace
the custom bootstrap menu which isn't being maintained.
/* Desktop */
@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
/* Fix file upload modal dialog */
.ui.modal.tiny {
right: auto;
.forums-create-acc-msg {

/* Mobile */
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
/* Fix file upload modal dialog */
.ui.modal.tiny {
right: auto;
left: 12px !important;

/* Suppress the RSS Feed icon & "Last Post" text in the topics header on mobile */
.ui[class*="very basic"].table thead {
.forums-create-acc-msg {

/* Fix forum search */
#forums_modal {
right: auto;
left: auto;

/* The older version of bootstrap used a crappy half drawn star */ {
content:"\f005" !important;
Max_admin 12 Apr, 2020
When the screen is grey and the upload form does not appear it may be that the modal element is hidden, which may be caused by a conflict with other CSS code on the page!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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