
How to create a unique random number after form submission?

guga06 15 Feb, 2020
Dear all,
I want to do a RMA form, so when a customer needs to return a faulty product, completes the form and our company receives the formulaire.
So far, so good.
I also need that, once RMA form is submitted, an unique number be assigned to that request...
So our customer receives an email like: "Your RMA number is XXXXXX, please write it at every product you send".

And our Technical Department receives an email like "Customer XX has created an RMA and the following number was assigned XXXXXX".

I can do the form, all good, but have no clue on how to generate random number to suit this application.
I'm using ChronoForms6.

Thanks in advance !!!
Max_admin 16 Feb, 2020
You can generate a random number with the {rand:} shortcode, but, you will need to store this number in a variable using the "data builder" action, then call it later in any place you need using the {var:var_name} shortcode, you better store it in the database table as well!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
guga06 24 Feb, 2020
Dear Max,

Thanks a lot for your kind answer.
Is there any guide or document to achieve my request?

I'm new with Chronoforms, so the "data builder" action and even the database set is something that still is not familiar to me.

Again, many thanks in advance !
healyhatman 24 Feb, 2020
There's a database read / save demo form.

As for the data builder action, just have a look at it and see how you go.
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