
Mass of Spams through Chronoforms with google ReCaptcha

gpeter73 10 Feb, 2020
Since about 1 Week I got lots of Spams through my Contact Forms with ReCaptcha.
I tested my Forms and if I try to bypass Captcha it wont send. Whats wrong? Or ReCaptcha isn't secure anymore?
I'm using Chronoforms 6.1.4.
healyhatman 10 Feb, 2020
ReCaptcha is fine, but it won't stop people manually sending the forms. What's your idea of "lots" of spams?
gpeter73 11 Feb, 2020
I have three Websites with Chronoforms and I got about 15-20 Spams a Day through it.
healyhatman 11 Feb, 2020
Attach {debug:} to the end of your email that would help
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