
Form Fields gone missing in the latest version

saveg 01 Jan, 2020
Im not sure if the latest version has a form forlds missing or what exactly.
I can find form fields from the menu to insert it
Am I missing something or what? the below is what it used to be, but I cant find form fields anywhere to insert it in the new release.
healyhatman 01 Jan, 2020
It's gone as of like nearly 2 years of updates. Have a search there's a workaround if you really need it back again, but you're better off either using the individual fields or just calling a form with {form:formname}
saveg 02 Jan, 2020
can this {form:formname} be a chronoform one not a cc one???
healyhatman 02 Jan, 2020
Of course. A CC would be {connection:name}
saveg 05 Jan, 2020
I have done a call to form as below
nothing showed up when called
healyhatman 05 Jan, 2020
Sorry, {chronoform:form_name}
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