
V4 to V6 Update

K2Joom 13 Dec, 2019
Hey Crew.

OK, so a testament to CF, I have been running V4 for years without issue, until recent Joomla update 3.9.13.
Basically, our forms create a PDF (Calibration Certificate) and always worked faultlelsyy, now we are getting:

/* K2 - Magnific Popup Overrides */ .mfp-iframe-holder
{padding:10px;} .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content
{max-width:100%;width:100%;height:100%;} .mfp-iframe-scaler
iframe {background:#fff;padding:10px;box-sizing:border-box;b

Injected into the PDF as text and despite even disabling K2, it still appears, so I thought I would ask about the impact of updating V4 to V6.
Been trying to find some information on what the impact would be, can we do a straight update .
Is there any information available?

Any help would be much appreciated.
GreyHead 14 Dec, 2019
Hi Simon,

What you are seeing is a snippet of CSS from the Magnific Popup code - I have no idea why it would appear in your PDF :-(

You can upgrade to CFv6 but there is no easy route, Most of the time a re-build is required to get your form working smoothly.

K2Joom 17 Dec, 2019
Hey Bob,

Thanks for the reply.

IF, anyone else experiences issues , then I have a fix.

Edit this file plugins/system/k2.php add after line 391 the following to disable the K2 system plugin when on Chromoforms pages:
if (JRequest::getCmd('option') == 'com_chronoforms') {
NOTE: If there are any K2 modules on the page , then they will no longer work, but it does fix the issue in the pdf.
healyhatman 17 Dec, 2019
Just be aware that fix will probably need to be reapplied when you update K2.
K2Joom 17 Dec, 2019
Yes. Agreed.
Its a temporary work around only.
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