
Change order of fields in email

GFCOM 02 Dec, 2019

I would like to know if it is possible to change order of fields in send email ?
Or fields are necessarily displayed in the order of the form ?

I have a form with something like 50 fields with mandatory and optionnal and I do not want to make custom code in "Body" section of "Email" action setup.

Thanks !

GreyHead 02 Dec, 2019

Sorry, the automatic email body uses the order of the inputs in the form. It's not to difficult to create a custom email body if you need it.

GFCOM 02 Dec, 2019
Hi Bob,

Thank you !

Yes I know, it is just that I have something like 50 fields and I do not want to create a custom email body for those 50 fields...
I do not have this time ^^

I think I will change make the fform ields displayed in the order in need in the email.

Thank you again.
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