
Form by Plugin and Module doesn't work

lf14web 02 Nov, 2019
at this page we have insered the form but doesn't work correclty:

The form take the layout of template and the submit donesn't work

Could you to help me to resolve this issue?
healyhatman 03 Nov, 2019
What does your submit event look like
lf14web 04 Nov, 2019
you could to chek the form at this page (set with menu item):

It's a easy form, after submit appear a confirmation message and are send a confirmation email to user and administrator of website.

after submit
lf14web 04 Nov, 2019
You need to access at the backend?
lf14web 04 Nov, 2019

lf14web 04 Nov, 2019
Sorry, don't check this screen shot are wrong, I post a correctly now
lf14web 04 Nov, 2019
Here the correct screenshots

lf14web 04 Nov, 2019
I've also disable the antispam check
lf14web 05 Nov, 2019
do you have some update?
healyhatman 05 Nov, 2019
Sorry, been a bit busy.

If you open the developer console (press F12) are there any errors when loading the form? And if your template is messing with the layout then you'll need to edit your tempalte's CSS by adding :not(.ui) to all the entries that are impacting
lf14web 06 Nov, 2019
Loading the form I get only this error:

Failed to set referrer policy: The value '' is not one of 'no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'same-origin', 'strict-origin', 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', or 'unsafe-url'. The referrer policy has been left unchanged.
lf14web 07 Nov, 2019
on load, I've added a custom code box with the instruction below, but something still doesn't work correclty:

$jdoc = \JFactory::getDocument();


1) I always get this error form console:

Failed to set referrer policy: The value '' is not one of 'no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'same-origin', 'strict-origin', 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', or 'unsafe-url'. The referrer policy has been left unchanged.

2) The request field doesn't have the symbol '*'

3) At the submit, the confirmation message don't appear and don't send a mail
healyhatman 08 Nov, 2019
It shouldn't be necessary to load any of that.

That console error can be ignored.

What does your debug say?
lf14web 08 Nov, 2019
It shouldn't be necessary to load any of that. --> The file aren't loaded without that instructions

Here below the debug comparasion:

lf14web 13 Nov, 2019
Hi do you have some update?
healyhatman 13 Nov, 2019
I'm getting errors on the page,

VM135:405 Uncaught TypeError: a[b].target.className.indexOf is not a function
at (eval at xhr.onreadystatechange (test-module?chronoform=contatti&event=submit:419), <anonymous>:405:129)

Instead of just having an event loader in your fail conditions, e.g. in your Validate Fields action, can you try putting a message AND THEN the event load?
lf14web 15 Nov, 2019
I've remove the Validate fields actions but the result is the same.

lf14web 19 Nov, 2019
Hi healyhatman,
do you have some update? :-)
lf14web 12 Dec, 2019
Hi healyhatman,
do you have some update? :-)
healyhatman 12 Dec, 2019
Can you get rid of all that loadJs() stuff and set the form to normal instead of "easy mode"
lf14web 12 Dec, 2019
Hi healyhatman,
The module wasn't in easy mode but I activated the last advanced mode.

Unfortunately the result is the same, doesn't work correclty with plugin o module.

I tell you that this ticket is open by more one month and we need to resolve this issue...

we are association and we support you 😀
healyhatman 13 Dec, 2019
Thanks I'll take a look when I can
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