
Adding a phone number to google spreadsheat with chronoforms

deef73 28 Oct, 2019
On this site we are using chronoforms:

We are placing everything in a google spreadsheet.

The phone number is formatted like +32(0)79204206

We are using this mask for it:

data-inputmask:'mask' : '+3[6] (0) 999 99 99 9[9]', 'greedy': false, 'clearIncomplete': true

Offcourse Google spreadsheet is trowing a #Error! becausse we are starting with a +

What is the best way to place numbers in google spreadsheet ?
GreyHead 28 Oct, 2019
Hi deef73,

I don't think there should be a problem - but that's a string, not a number and the spreadsheet column needs to be set for strings.

healyhatman 28 Oct, 2019
You need to pass the value as RAW not formatted.
deef73 29 Oct, 2019
Thanks for this info but how to pass the variable as a RAW not formatted value ?

I did a search on this forum, but could not find the right solution.
healyhatman 29 Oct, 2019
Have you tried formatting the column then?
deef73 29 Oct, 2019
Thanks for you'r response. I did it this way

The first 4 in column G are just plain numbers.

The secind are #Error because the number is formatted like:

+31 (0) 123 45 67 89
healyhatman 29 Oct, 2019
This isn't a Chronoforms thing, this is a Google Sheets thing and you should just Google to get the answer.

So that would be "put either a single quote (') or a space ( ) at the start of the number"
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