
Secure form and secure pdf

randike 09 Sep, 2019
I have tried to look after answer on the forum, but not exactly what I am after. Previous I have made simple forms, now I will create forms (have not started yet) that secure the input from a guest-user. Meaning if they write "Going to the shop today", this will not be stored any places in browser or database. Also when the guest-user has finished the form, the guest-user will have only one possibility to download PDF to his computer, or send to the guest-user's email address. The data from the form should not be stored on my website, database or sent email to me.

The question is, Is that possible? In case, how should I start and what should I be careful of?
I have SSL certificate on my site.
Thanks in advance,
GreyHead 10 Sep, 2019
Hi randike,

The form data will not be saved unless you use a Save Data action so you can just send an email to the user. If you want to create a PDF then you will need to save the file to the server - you can then use a cron job to delete any saved PDFs every few hours.

healyhatman 10 Sep, 2019
Use an event switcher, data source set to {user:guest}
It will be 1 if the user is a guest, and 0 if they're a signed in user. Alternatively, {user:id} will be 0 for guest and any other number (so '*') if they're signed in. Put the things you want to happen in the appropriate branch.
randike 10 Sep, 2019
Hi Greyhead
OK, I will see how I can make the cron job for delete PDF.
Many thanks for your answer
randike 10 Sep, 2019
Thanks for your answer Healyhatman,
I am not sure If I understand what you meaning, but I will keep this in mind.
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