
Dropdown all select

rafaelscouto 06 Sep, 2019
I have a dropdow and it has:

= All
1 = Sao Paulo
2 = Salvador
3 = Rio de Janeiro

Is there any way to choose ALL items without multi select?

I would like to select all but not one by one, understand?
GreyHead 07 Sep, 2019
Hi rafaelscouto,

You could use Custom JavaScript to check if the 'All' option is selected and check all the itemd. Or you could do that with PHP after the form submits.

rafaelscouto 09 Sep, 2019
I'm using the following JS

function changeSelection(value){

var length = document.getElementById("id_secretaria").options.length;

if(value == 0){
for(var i = 1;i<length;i++)
document.getElementById("id_secretaria").options[i].selected = "selected";

document.getElementById("id_secretaria").options[0].selected = "";


And in my options dropdown field I have
id = secret_id and onchange: changeSelection (this.value)

0 = ALL
1 = item1
2 = item2

is return this below

    [read_relatorios] => Array
            [log] => Array
                    [0] => SELECT `Rel`.`aid` AS `Rel.aid`, `Rel`.`user_id` AS `Rel.user_id`, `Rel`.`created` AS `Rel.created`, `Rel`.`modified` AS `Rel.modified`, `Rel`.`data` AS ``, `Rel`.`horario` AS `Rel.horario`, `Rel`.`evento` AS `Rel.evento`, `Rel`.`local` AS `Rel.local`, `Rel`.`responsavel` AS `Rel.responsavel`, `Rel`.`observacao` AS `Rel.observacao`, `Rel`.`arquivo_anexo` AS `Rel.arquivo_anexo`, `Rel`.`objetivo` AS `Rel.objetivo`, `Rel`.`id_secretaria` AS `Rel.id_secretaria`, `Rel`.`status` AS `Rel.status`, `Rel`.`setor` AS `Rel.setor` FROM `syscf_z_agenda_geral` AS `Rel` WHERE `Rel`.`data` >= '2019-09-02' AND `Rel`.`data` <= '2019-09-04' AND `Rel`.`id_secretaria` = '[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5\",\"6\",\"7\",\"8\",\"12\"][]' ORDER BY `` ASC, `Rel.horario` ASC;

            [var] => Array


rafaelscouto 11 Sep, 2019
I received an email notification of a new reply, but the system here shows nothing
healyhatman 11 Sep, 2019
You'll get notified of replies even if it's from a user who just joined and posted something that hasn't been approved yet. I don't see it either, which means it was most likely spam.
rafaelscouto 16 Sep, 2019
the return I have is this, in case only option 2 is being listed

    [0] => SELECT `Rel`.`aid` AS `Rel.aid`, `Rel`.`user_id` AS `Rel.user_id`, `Rel`.`created` AS `Rel.created`, `Rel`.`modified` AS `Rel.modified`, `Rel`.`data` AS ``, `Rel`.`horario` AS `Rel.horario`, `Rel`.`evento` AS `Rel.evento`, `Rel`.`local` AS `Rel.local`, `Rel`.`responsavel` AS `Rel.responsavel`, `Rel`.`observacao` AS `Rel.observacao`, `Rel`.`arquivo_anexo` AS `Rel.arquivo_anexo`, `Rel`.`objetivo` AS `Rel.objetivo`, `Rel`.`id_secretaria` AS `Rel.id_secretaria`, `Rel`.`status` AS `Rel.status`, `Rel`.`setor` AS `Rel.setor` FROM `syscf_z_agenda_geral` AS `Rel` WHERE `Rel`.`data` >= '2019-09-11' AND `Rel`.`data` <= '2019-09-14' AND `Rel`.`id_secretaria` = '2,4' ORDER BY `` ASC, `Rel.horario` ASC;
healyhatman 16 Sep, 2019
`id_secretaria` = '2,4' 
That should be IN not =
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