Is Google's v3 recaptcha/nocaptcha supported in Chronoforms v5? or v6? All my forms are v5, and I prefer not to have to redo them all. And for me, v5 just seems more intuitive/easier to use then v6 (I hate re-learning something that's worked for years).
I'm finding my customers are getting a steady stream of spam from obvious bots (Russian character sets/etc) even with Google's v2 "I'm not a robot" active and working. Is there an exploit/work-around that maybe exists (doubtful) in Chronoforms vs. smarter bots circumventing Google's method?
I sell a V3 plugin for CFv6 on my site, but there's nothing for CFv5.
Are they getting spam via the contact form itself, or directly to email?
Hi Bob,
If there is any pattern to the spam posts e.g. HTML in the textarea, or similar IP addresses, etc. then serverside validation should be good to block those posts.
Hi Bob,
Human spammers can typically submit forms with Google ReCaptcha. Bots will usually be blocked.
ServerSide validation is the standard CF feature to check form data after it is submitted. See the Server Validation action in the Setup > Validation action group.
I'm wondering if some of these are people being paid to fill out forms or something.
I'll give server-side validation a try. Is there a Not function? IE, fail validation if the field has a url?
I also added the Honeypot field onto one website's form to get the time sensitive submit activated.
Hi Bob,
That's a fair description of human spammers.
There isn't a Custom Serverside validation option in Cfv5 for some reason but you can use an Event Switcher to do the same thing. Add PHP to check for whatever pattern you see e.g. a URL in a textarea, then set an Event Loader or ReDirect action if the check fails.
Hi, i have a similiar problem with spam too, maybe since a half year.
i think this could be a solution for me too, but i hav no idea how to do it. Is there a step by step description?
for example. All the spam is using in the "Company" field in my form the entry google . If i can reject the form everytime some one is writing google in the company field, the spam will end (so i hope)
ok, i can get no request from google any more, but anyway, the never asked before. ;-)
I use chronoforms in v5 at the moment. Where should i put which event or which code?
I would be very thankfull for your help.
Hi BeamerStation,
There is an example in the post before yours.
Hi Bob,
I have the spam problem on my forms too.
Where do I put te code to make it work?
I tried several places and when I put the code on load I got the fail message on testing but also the message that the post was a succes. (and it was)
Dorine Post
Go into advanced mode, and put an "event switch" in the submit section, not the on-load section. Make sure your message body on the post is named "message" too.