> body "​Rolling back the PHP to version 7.1 the form works perfectly, so I suspect there may be a clash with another plugin or template. ​Any suggestions?​I can give you Superuser access if necessary.​Kind regards​Chas"> Chronoform Error when running under PHP 7.3 - Forums


Chronoform Error when running under PHP 7.3

Chas_L 05 Sep, 2019
Hello Gray,

I've just added PHP versions 7.2 and 7.3 to my server and updated all my sites to 7.3. Most use Chronoformsv6 for the contact form.

One site however refuses to work correctly with php 7.3 and gives the following error when a form is submitted.

"DOMXPath::query(): Invalid expression in selector >> body << in /home/chinnoru3aorg/public_html/libraries/cegcore2/vendors/emogrifier/Emogrifier.php on line 371"

Rolling back the PHP to version 7.1 the form works perfectly, so I suspect there may be a clash with another plugin or template.

Any suggestions?

I can give you Superuser access if necessary.

Kind regards

Chas_L 05 Sep, 2019
Just tested a second site, different template and plugins but also running on PHP 7.3, this too gives a similar error:

Error: Call to undefined method Joomla\Registry\Registry::getValue(): DOMXPath::query(): Invalid expression in selector >> body << in /home/chaslarg/public_html/libraries/cegcore2/vendors/emogrifier/Emogrifier.php on line 371

Dropping the PHP back to 7.2 and all is well again, so it seems the problem is just with PHP 7.3.

Again can leave this site at 7.3 and give you superuser access if you want to investigate.

healyhatman 29 Sep, 2019
Something to do with email templates or something. I see this error pop up on the forums all the time and I never remember what the solution is. Have a search though it's on here somewhere.
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