
Event Switcher and Page Order

omidhz 08 Aug, 2019
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I have a multipage user registration form. The form setting is setup as "Form" and "Follow Page Order" is on. Page names are:
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. email
  5. no_email
  6. submit
  7. activate
Page one and two collects some information.

Page two has a radio button named 'verify' with two options
- email
- no_email

Page three is empty in the view, and I have an Event Switcher in the action with the following setting
- Data provider: {data:verify}
- Events: email, no_email

I want users to be redirected to either page "email" or "no_email" based on their selection on page two. But right now, the user is going through the pages in order from 1-5.
What an I missing?
healyhatman 08 Aug, 2019
"Follow page order" is on, so it's going to follow page order.
omidhz 08 Aug, 2019
When I turn off follow page order, nothing shows up on first page. It turns blank page.
omidhz 09 Aug, 2019
I figured the reason nothing was loading I was entering the following URL to access my form
and no events was being loaded.

I changed the URL to :
That loads the first page and the Event Switcher is working as expected. However, now I have two other issues:
  1. When I turn on the Server Validation, users cannot go back from page three to page two. It shows the validation errors.
  2. When I select the "email" option and click on Submit button, I expect it to go to the "submit" event. But instead it is going to "no_email" page.
healyhatman 09 Aug, 2019
I mean, that should work anyway. What other settings have you turned on?
omidhz 09 Aug, 2019
only the following:
  1. Multipage form
  2. Server Validation
  3. Load Default page
Max_admin 27 Aug, 2019
Hi omidhz,

How do you do the email/no_email switch ? a redirect ? it should work with "Follow page order" on but if it does not you can turn the order off

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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