I just downloaded the newest version of Chronoforums (6).
I can find no compatible manual.
How should I proceed after I inserted the text fields etc.. in "Views"?
What do you mean, how should you proceed? What are you trying to do that you're having trouble with?
Hi hansie,
The only manual we have for v6 now is the one available in the downloads area, it covers the actions setup but after the recent 6.1 update the main layout is a bit different, please try to check one of the demo forms, the new interface is generally easier than the old one.
How should I proceed after I inserted the text fields etc.. in "Views"?
You will need to insert Email in
Pages > Actions
Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Dear Max,
I already tried and succeeded.
It's a rather simple and straightforward procedure.