
Disappearing Fields

stratacorps 03 Aug, 2019
In the latest 6.1.4 of CF there is some weird behavior that occurs frequently.

We are creating a form. In a page we add a container and some field elements. Sometimes fields that have already been saved such as Header or Button elements disappear after adding a new input field. In a current form I'm working on, I have a Header element in the body of a page. Below that I've added either a Multi field area or a Fieldset (it has happened on both). I have a saved form, then add a new field to the field area and immediately the Header element disappears, losing everything.
Max_admin 04 Aug, 2019
please post the exact steps to follow to produce the issue and I will try it, this problem is usually caused by server settings and is not related to Chronforoms!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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