
Fields in multifield next to each other instead of under each other

stefandeblock 03 Aug, 2019
Fields in multifield next to each other instead of under each other

In my form i have serveral fields to fill in. A whole lot of them are in multifields. The fields are now displayed next to each other, how can i get them to stand under each other instead of next to each other
healyhatman 04 Aug, 2019
Your template CSS might be interfering. Right click -> inspect offending fields and have a look.
Max_admin 07 Aug, 2019
In v6 they should be next to each other when in a "multi field" area!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
healyhatman 07 Aug, 2019
Huh yes I completely misread OP's question, had it around backwards. Thought his multifield area was puttings thing vertically instead of inline as expected ha/
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