
Security issue with captha

giulia72 02 Aug, 2019
it seems there is an issue with your embedded CAPTCHA code in the forms: as we receive a lot of spam by email.

The most likely reason of these emails is that a robot detects such forms, fills them automatically and bypasses the Captcha control.

Are you aware about this issue?
do you have a better solution? reCaptcha from Google?
GreyHead 02 Aug, 2019
Hi giulia72,

Google ReCaptcha is built in to ChronoForms v4, 5 and 6 - I suggest you try that and see if it solves your problem.

giulia72 02 Aug, 2019
Hi Bob
I guess you refer to Recaptcha (in Advanced list).
If I insert this field I don't see any Captha code in the form.
I guess I have to substitute in the Setup configuration Load Captcha and Check Captcha with Load ReCaptcha and Check ReCaptcha. Could you confirm?

I have also found in the Setup settings Load Google NoCaptcha, what is it?
healyhatman 04 Aug, 2019
If you're creating a new form, move on to v6 instead of the obsolete v5.
giulia72 05 Aug, 2019
it is possible to receive an answer to my simple questions:

I guess you refer to Recaptcha (in Advanced list).
If I insert this field I don't see any Captha code in the form.
guess I have to substitute in the Setup configuration Load Captcha and
Check Captcha with Load ReCaptcha and Check ReCaptcha. Could you

I have also found in the Setup settings Load Google NoCaptcha, what is it?

P.S. It is not a new form , I cannot use CF 6
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