
Load form working on test but not on website

sayonara.10 01 Aug, 2019
Pardon my english. Thank you. =(

I have two chronoforms. The first one with the event switcher. It loads another form depending on the radio submission. And the second one is the forms loaded when submitting. My problem is when I click test form. It runs smoothly. But when I use it in my domain already, under main menu and articles. It's not running good. When I submit a radio in first form. it loads the second form. But when I submit the second form. It loads the first form again. Looping ang looping again and again. Why is this happening? Thank you so much! =(
GreyHead 01 Aug, 2019
Hi syonara.10,

I don't know, the problem may be that the Action URL for the second form is being set from the page URL. You can over-ride this by setting the form Action URL manually in the HTML (load form) action.

sayonara.10 01 Aug, 2019
This is what happens. When I click next. It (load form) the radio clicked. And when I fill up the form, and click submit. It loops back again in the "online requests" form.
When I do this in "test form" it does not loop. But when I do this on my website. It loops.
GreyHead 01 Aug, 2019
Hi sayonara.10,

Have you checked the form Action URLs?

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

sayonara.10 02 Aug, 2019
Hi bob!

/module-styles/online-requests?chronoform=OPS_requestform&event=submit" is this what you are referring to?
I sent a message regarding my problem. Hope to hear from you soon!

GreyHead 02 Aug, 2019
Hi sayonara.10,,

Sorry but that doesn't help me see the form - please post or PM the full page URL

sayonara.10 06 Aug, 2019
Hello bob. still not figuring out what to do. Hoping for your reply soon. Thank youu!
sayonara.10 06 Aug, 2019
Hi bob. Please. No one can help me but you alone. =(
Max_admin 12 Aug, 2019
This can be cache problem, v5 may have this problem, you either create a menu item for this form or use v6

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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