
reCAPTCHA has different behavour on different forms since last update, leads to spam

medexter 29 Jul, 2019
Here's a basic outline. We have 2 systems, a development system and a productive system. once all changes on development are approved it gets cloned to productive. On development all forms and reCAPTCHAS work as intended. However, on productive there are different behaviors of reCAPTCHAs for almost each form we use. The worst case of this is one form where you can submit the form without passing the captcha. The error is displayed sometimes but every time the emails are still sent. this leads to quite a bit of spam emails.

Has anyone had the same error? the strange thing is that exactly the same system runs on development without any issues. we have redeployed the dev to prod a few times and the same behavour occures.
healyhatman 29 Jul, 2019
What does your debug say? And are your form settings the same - the same "check security fields" settings etc?
medexter 30 Jul, 2019
The form settings between dev and prod are the same.
Debug is not really an option as the problem only appears on the productive system
healyhatman 30 Jul, 2019
You can activate permissions on the form, add a Debug action, and set just the action's permissions to deny public / guest and only allow superadmin / admin. That way YOU can see the debug but other users won't.
medexter 30 Jul, 2019
the form where this happens is a simple form, i don't see any permission settings there
medexter 30 Jul, 2019
Update: starting today the same behavior occurs on the development system.

Here's the debug log, i have deleted any sensitive information [pre]Array
[chronoform[li] => send-a-message
[event] => submit
[FirstName] => test
[LastName] => test2
[email] =>
[subject] => 2
[message] => w
[checkbox7] => JA
[g-recaptcha-response] =>
[button6] =>
[Itemid] => 943
[option] => com_sppagebuilder
[view] => page
[id] => 175
=> Array
[response[li] => Array
[success] =>
[error-codes] => Array
[0] => missing-input-response


[_error] => The NoCaptcha verification has failed.
[log] => Automatic validation enabled.
[recipients] => Array
[0] =>

[subject] => Contact Message
[body] => Thank you for your message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

[result] => the Mail sent successfully.
[var] => Array
[controller] =>
[action] =>
[chronoform] => send-a-message
[event] => submit
[__connection] => Array
[id] => 7
[title] => Send a Message
[alias] => send-a-message
[published] => 1
[public] => 1
[description] =>
[params] => Array
[default_event] => load
[mode] => easy
[limited_edition] => 1

[events] => Array
[load] => Array
[name] => load

[submit] => Array
[name] => submit


[sections] => Array
[one] => Array
[name] => one


[views] => Array
[1] => Array
[designer_label] =>
[name] => field_text1
[_section] => one
[type] => field_text
[label] =>
[params] => Array
[placeholder] => First Name
[name] => FirstName
[id] => CUname
[value] =>

[dynamics] => Array
[email] => Array
[enabled] => 1

[save] => Array
[enabled] => 1


[validation] => Array
[required] => true
[optional] =>
[email] =>
[url] =>
[integer] =>
[decimal] =>
[number] =>
[regExp] =>
[match] =>
[different] =>
[minLength] =>
[maxLength] =>
[contains] =>
[disabled] =>
[rules] =>

[verror] =>
[inputmask] =>
[description] => Array
[text] =>

[tooltip] => Array
[text] =>
[class] => icon info circular blue inverted small

[states] => Array
[hidden] =>
[disabled] =>

[reload] => Array
[event] =>

[attrs] =>
[container] => Array
[class] => field
[width] =>

[events] => Array
[0] => Array
[sign] => =
[value] =>
[identifier] =>



[8] => Array
[designer_label] =>
[name] => field_text8
[_section] => one
[type] => field_text
[label] =>
[params] => Array
[placeholder] => Last Name
[name] => LastName
[id] => CUname
[value] =>

[dynamics] => Array
[email] => Array
[enabled] => 1

[save] => Array
[enabled] => 1


[validation] => Array
[required] => true
[optional] =>
[email] =>
[url] =>
[integer] =>
[decimal] =>
[number] =>
[regExp] =>
[match] =>
[different] =>
[minLength] =>
[maxLength] =>
[contains] =>
[disabled] =>
[rules] =>

[verror] =>
[inputmask] =>
[description] => Array
[text] =>

[tooltip] => Array
[text] =>
[class] => icon info circular blue inverted small

[states] => Array
[hidden] =>
[disabled] =>

[reload] => Array
[event] =>

[attrs] =>
[container] => Array
[class] => field
[width] =>

[events] => Array
[0] => Array
[sign] => =
[value] =>
[identifier] =>



[2] => Array
[designer_label] =>
[name] => field_text2
[_section] => one
[type] => field_text
[label] =>
[params] => Array
[placeholder] => Email
[name] => email
[id] => CUemail
[value] =>

[dynamics] => Array
[email] => Array
[enabled] => 1

[save] => Array
[enabled] => 1


[validation] => Array
[required] => true
[optional] =>
[email] => true
[url] =>
[integer] =>
[decimal] =>
[number] =>
[regExp] =>
[match] =>
[different] =>
[minLength] =>
[maxLength] =>
[contains] =>
[disabled] =>
[rules] =>

[verror] =>
[inputmask] =>
[description] => Array
[text] =>

[tooltip] => Array
[text] =>
[class] => icon info circular blue inverted small

[states] => Array
[hidden] =>
[disabled] =>

[reload] => Array
[event] =>

[attrs] =>
[container] => Array
[class] => field
[width] =>

[events] => Array
[0] => Array
[sign] => =
[value] =>
[identifier] =>



[3] => Array
[designer_label] =>
[name] => field_text3
[_section] => one
[type] => field_text
[label] =>
[params] => Array
[placeholder] => Subject
[name] => subject
[id] => CUsubject
[value] =>

[dynamics] => Array
[email] => Array
[enabled] => 1

[save] => Array
[enabled] => 1


[validation] => Array
[required] => true
[optional] =>
[email] =>
[url] =>
[integer] =>
[decimal] =>
[number] =>
[regExp] =>
[match] =>
[different] =>
[minLength] =>
[maxLength] =>
[contains] =>
[disabled] =>
[rules] =>

[verror] =>
[inputmask] =>
[description] => Array
[text] =>

[tooltip] => Array
[text] =>
[class] => icon info circular blue inverted small

[states] => Array
[hidden] =>
[disabled] =>

[reload] => Array
[event] =>

[attrs] =>
[container] => Array
[class] => field
[width] =>

[events] => Array
[0] => Array
[sign] => =
[value] =>
[identifier] =>



[4] => Array
[designer_label] =>
[name] => field_textarea4
[_section] => one
[type] => field_textarea
[label] =>
[params] => Array
[rows] => 5
[name] => message
[id] => CUmessage
[value] =>
[placeholder] => Message

[editor] => Array
[enabled] =>

[resize] => Array
[enabled] => 1

[dynamics] => Array
[email] => Array
[enabled] => 1

[save] => Array
[enabled] => 1


[validation] => Array
[required] => true
[optional] =>
[regExp] =>
[minLength] =>
[maxLength] =>
[contains] =>
[disabled] =>
[rules] =>

[verror] =>
[description] => Array
[text] =>

[tooltip] => Array
[text] =>
[class] => icon info circular blue inverted small

[states] => Array
[hidden] =>
[disabled] =>

[reload] => Array
[event] =>

[attrs] =>
[container] => Array
[class] => field
[width] =>

[events] => Array
[0] => Array
[sign] => empty
[value] =>
[identifier] =>



[7] => Array
[designer_label] => I agree that my provided data are used for support, marketing, and sales contacts. My data will not be passed to third parties. See details here.
[name] => field_checkbox7
[_section] => one
[type] => field_checkbox
[label] => I agree that my provided data are used for support, marketing, and sales contacts. My data will not be passed to third parties. See details here.
[params] => Array
[name] => checkbox7
[id] => DataSecurityCheckbox
[value] => JA
[data-value] =>

[style] =>
[checked] =>
[dynamics] => Array
[email] => Array
[enabled] => 1

[save] => Array
[enabled] => 1


[validation] => Array
[required] => true
[disabled] =>
[rules] =>

[verror] => Without your consent, we unfortunately cannot provide the desired service. Find details in our privacy policy.
[description] => Array
[text] =>

[tooltip] => Array
[text] =>
[class] => icon info circular blue inverted small

[states] => Array
[hidden] =>
[disabled] =>

[ghost] => Array
[enabled] => 1
[value] =>

[checked_provider] =>
[reload] => Array
[event] =>

[attrs] =>
[container] => Array
[class] => field

[events] => Array
[0] => Array
[sign] => =
[identifier] =>



[5] => Array
[designer_label] =>
[name] => google_nocaptcha5
[_section] => one
[type] => google_nocaptcha
[label] =>
[site_key] => {sitekey}
[secret_key] =>
[failed_error] => You didn't pass the NoCaptcha verification.
[theme] => light
[lang] => {language:short}

[6] => Array
[designer_label] =>
[name] => field_button6
[_section] => one
[type] => field_button
[params] => Array
[type] => submit
[name] => button6
[id] => button6
[value] =>
[data-selections] => 0
[data-message] => Please make a selection from the list

[content] => Send Message
[color] => green
[class] => CUbutton CFschmuckFarbe
[fluid] => 0
[attrs] =>
[container] => Array
[class] =>

[toolbar] => Array
[enabled] => 0

[events] => Array
[0] => Array
[sign] => click
[identifier] =>




[functions] => Array
[0] => Array
[_event] => load
[type] => display_section
[sections] => one
[display_type] => form
[data_provider] =>
[validation] => Array
[type] => inline

[event] => submit
[submit_animation] => 1
[parameters] =>
[dynamic] =>
[invisible] =>
[keepalive] => 1
[formid] =>
[attrs] =>
[class] => ui form
[size] =>
[modal] => Array
[enabled] =>
[pageload] => 1
[header] =>
[delay] =>
[scroll] =>
[trigger] =>
[replacement] =>
[size] => fullscreen
[basic] =>
[close_icon] => 1
[closable] => 1
[inverted] => 1


[4] => Array
[_event] => submit
[type] => google_nocaptcha
[enabled] => 1
[secret_key] => {sitekey}
[failed_error] => You didn't pass the NoCaptcha verification.

[5] => Array
[_event] => google_nocaptcha4/fail
[type] => event_load
[event_name] => load
[stop] => 1

[1] => Array
[_event] => submit
[type] => validate_fields
[enabled] => 1
[list_errors] => 1
[data_provider] => {data:}
[error_message] => Please provide all the required info.
[fields_selection] =>
[fields_list] =>

[2] => Array
[_event] => validate_fields2/fail
[type] => event_load
[event_name] => load
[stop] => 1

[6] => Array
[_event] => submit
[type] => upload
[enabled] =>
[path] => {path:front}/uploads/
[extensions] => jpg,png,gif,pdf,doc,docx,txt,zip
[autofields] => 1
[config] =>
[filename_provider] =>
[max_size] => 1000
[min_size] => 0
[max_size_error] => The file has exceeded the maximum size limit.
[min_size_error] => The file is below the minimum size limit.
[file_extension_error] => The file extension is not permitted.

[7] => Array
[_event] => upload6/fail
[type] => event_load
[event_name] => load
[stop] => 1

[12] => Array
[_event] => submit
[type] => save_data
[enabled] =>
[autotable] =>
[autofields] => 1
[db_table] =>
[action] => save
[data_provider] =>
[model_name] => Data12
[overrides] => Array
[1] => Array
[name] => created
[value] => {date:Y-m-d H:i:s}
[action] => insert

[2] => Array
[name] => user_id
[value] => {user:id}
[action] => insert

[3] => Array
[name] => modified
[value] => {date:Y-m-d H:i:s}
[action] => update


[_save] => 1
[viewfields] => {"field_text1":"FirstName","field_text8":"LastName","field_text2":"email","field_text3":"subject","field_textarea4":"message","field_checkbox7":"checkbox7","field_button6":"button6"}
[db] => Array
[enabled] =>
[user] => admin
[pass] => admin
[name] =>
[type] =>
[host] =>
[prefix] =>


[13] => Array
[_event] => save_data12/fail
[type] => event_load
[event_name] => load
[stop] => 1

[8] => Array
[_event] => submit
[type] => email
[enabled] => 1
[recipients] => {emails}
[subject] => {data:subject}
[body] => {body}
[autoemail] =>
[mode] => html
[advanced_template] =>
[autofields] => 1[br] [attachments] => [br] [reply_email] => [br] [reply_name] => [br] [from_email] => [br] [from_name] => [br] [cc] => [br] [bcc] => [br] [template] => Array[br] ([br] [header] => [br] [body] => [br] [footer] => [br] )[br][br] [encrypted] => [br] [gpg_sec_key] => [br] )[br][br] [9] => Array[br] ([br] [_event] => submit[br] [type] => email[br] [enabled] => 1[br] [recipients] => {data:email}[br] [subject] => Contact Message [br] [body] => Thank you for your message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.[br][br][br] [autoemail] => [br] [mode] => html[br] [advanced_template] => [br] [autofields] => 1[br] [attachments] => [br] [reply_email] => [br] [reply_name] => [br] [from_email] => [br] [from_name] => [br] [cc] => [br] [bcc] => [br] [template] => Array[br] ([br] [header] => [br] [body] => [br] [footer] => [br] )[br][br] [encrypted] => [br] [gpg_sec_key] => [br] )[br][br] [10] => Array[br] ([br] [_event] => submit[br] [type] => message[br] [message_type] => success[br] [location] => [br] [content] => Your message was sent successfully.[br] )[br][br] [14] => Array[br] ([br] [_event] => submit[br] [type] => redirect[br] [event] => [br] [time] => [br] [url] => [br] [parameters] => [br] )[br][br] [11] => Array[br] ([br] [_event] => submit[br] [type] => debugger[br] [enabled] => 1[br] [var_name] => [br] )[br][br] )[br][br] [locales] => Array[br] ([br] [en_GB] => Array[br] ([br] [name] => en_GB[br] [content] => [br] )[br][br] )[br][br] [rules] => Array[br] ([br] [access] => Array[br] ([br] [1] => [br] [2] => [br] [3] => [br] [4] => [br] [5] => [br] [10] => [br] [6] => [br] [7] => [br] [8] => [br] [9] => [br] )[br][br] )[br][br] )[br][br] [__blocks] => Array[br] ([br] )[br][br] [__default_event] => load[br] [__event] => submit[br] [__viewslimit] => 15[br] [__active_event] => submit[br] [/li] => 1[br] )[br][br] )[br][br])[/pre]
healyhatman 30 Jul, 2019
"Missing input response"

are there any errors in javascript console?
medexter 30 Jul, 2019
only this one "[Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive." and it seems to multiply when scrolling
GreyHead 30 Jul, 2019
Hi medexter,

The JavaScript error may be preventing the Google ReCaptcha check from running the first stage in the browser. It looks as if the error may be related to a change in the Chrome behaviour - see this GitHub thread.

medexter 30 Jul, 2019
I have the same behavior in chrome, firefox and Ecosia. The console in firefox does not show any errors
GreyHead 30 Jul, 2019
Hi medxter,

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look. There has to be some reason why the Google ReCaptcha is submitting an empty entry instead of a confirmation key.

medexter 30 Jul, 2019
it's this contact form
not sure if this is relevant but the form is embeded into a Sp page builder page
GreyHead 30 Jul, 2019
Hi medexter,

Thank you. I tested and the form seemed to submit OK - though there was no 'success' or 'error' message shown. The submitted data was
FirstName: Bob
LastName: Testing
subject: Testing
message: testing
checkbox7: JA
g-recaptcha-response: 03AOLTBLQhRNS9CQVzbLeGAl17CqhNogvsqblqFWrAlJ_kfF_E1wE200ypL699NcZwQrv02zl6dDoYenbvzWD6jojNl38fabV0HmoQFQetEcaRZ5u1Zyrtt1j1ETtKVmi57f833qQEMeeIxdfD2tiV8sKaX73xVwI75wzE3FDfdF-bf3cZJbhSPs4EQ-DP0GbWm0EPqcsdfiuwxTie4WJQexxuO9F_qgEEuhQwrHAAAlrcYWNlVvKpJf79sUWb9pD0O-HuR_shzHIWHFVor9Eve-hXxhkNHiOB9OR7ElMkZO5DUcg6JeIKsybtvuNvQnAjhgwhet3IrGUd
You can see that the ReCaptcha response code is there at that point.

medexter 31 Jul, 2019
I still don't know the cause of the problem. However, creating a new from fixed it. reCaptcha works on the new form as it should. One thing I've noticed is that the old, broken. form was created in a designer which is no longer available (simple form). Maybe this has something to do with the problem.
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