
Blank user data in emails chronoform v6

jnmurthy 16 Jul, 2019

We created a contact us webform in joomla v3.9.8 by using chronoform v6 . We are receiving few emails with blank user data everyday. Please check email format below.
For your information , we have applied validate fields and google re-captcha validation in chronoform6. I hope this will do both server side and client side validations.
I think this is spam bot issue.

Please guide us how to solve this issue.

Blank Email Format :

A new request for appointment has been received from the website.Name :
Email :
Contact No :
Date Of Birth :


Choronoform structure :
  • Validate Fields
  • Re-captcha validation
  • Save Data into Db
  • Email to Support team
  • Email to user
  • Redirect to thank you page.
Max_admin 16 Jul, 2019
if only some of the emails are blank then it may be human spam.

Your form has its own page (menu item) or its included inside an article ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jnmurthy 17 Jul, 2019
We have our own Page created in sp page builder.
jnmurthy 17 Jul, 2019
How to stop human spam?? Is our website hacked ??
healyhatman 17 Jul, 2019
You don't stop human spam. You can't really do too much about an actual person visiting your page and typing things in themselves. Definitely doesn't mean your site is hacked.
GreyHead 18 Jul, 2019

You use serverside validation to block submissions with blank entries.

jnmurthy 19 Jul, 2019
Hi Bob,

We are applied validate fields on submit action . I hope this will take care server side validation. If not , Please explain how to do server side validation.

GreyHead 19 Jul, 2019

That sounds correct to me.

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