We created a contact us webform in joomla v3.9.8 by using chronoform v6 . We are receiving few emails with blank user data everyday. Please check email format below.
For your information , we have applied validate fields and google re-captcha validation in chronoform6. I hope this will do both server side and client side validations.
I think this is spam bot issue.
Please guide us how to solve this issue.
Blank Email Format :
A new request for appointment has been received from the website.Name :
Email :
Contact No :
Date Of Birth :
Choronoform structure :
We created a contact us webform in joomla v3.9.8 by using chronoform v6 . We are receiving few emails with blank user data everyday. Please check email format below.
For your information , we have applied validate fields and google re-captcha validation in chronoform6. I hope this will do both server side and client side validations.
I think this is spam bot issue.
Please guide us how to solve this issue.
Blank Email Format :
A new request for appointment has been received from the website.Name :
Email :
Contact No :
Date Of Birth :
Choronoform structure :
- Validate Fields
- Re-captcha validation
- Save Data into Db
- Email to Support team
- Email to user
- Redirect to thank you page.