
Nested IF condition actions

threecats 30 Jun, 2019
Is it possible to use nested IF conditions in an action string? I have an if condition in which , if a field called contact_purpose NOT EQUALS question, it runs a rule called insp_appt. That rule does a Data Builder action which creates a text string, then runs another IF condition which, if a field called property_type is equal to Commercial, it's supposed to run a rule called commercial_insp_appt - this rule creates a second text string.

In other words, the logic is supposed to look like this (using pseudo-php)

if ($contact_purpose <> "question" {
text_string_1 = "This is a " . $property_type . "property located in " . $location;
if ($property_type == "Commercial" {
text_string_1 = "The name of the business is " . $business_name;

The way it's set up in ChronoForms, the first IF works fine - in other words, if it's not a "question" it creates the "This is a Commercial property located in Atlanta" (or, Residential, if that's appropriate). However, it never runs the second IF - even if you specify a Commercial property type, which is the trigger.

So, are nested IFs allowed? If so, what am I doing wrong?
healyhatman 30 Jun, 2019
Should be allowed, I've done it a bunch. Make sure you're using the correct option for the data builder and using the correct shortcode to retrieve the value
Max_admin 02 Jul, 2019
The link is NOT working!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
threecats 02 Jul, 2019
Well, THAT was embarrassing! Try it again - I fixed the sharing permissions.
Max_admin 03 Jul, 2019
I tested here with message actions instead of data builder and the nested if is working fine, could you please use messages to test and let me know ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
threecats 03 Jul, 2019
Well, it does look like the first IF is working, but not the nested one. I get the following:

Name: Paul
Phone Number: 1234567890

This is a Commercial property located in Atlanta.

However, there should be another line following that one, which says:

The name of the business is Nonna Yours

because the property type is Commercial.
Max_admin 04 Jul, 2019
Please create a form copy, remove any sensitive info and upload the form backup so I can check it!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
threecats 04 Jul, 2019
OK, I've uploaded it...
​[file= Form_04_Jul_2019_08_48_59.cf6bak]Form Backup[/file]
By the way, I couldn't get it to upload - had to create a link.
healyhatman 04 Jul, 2019
Your if condition is wrong, it needs to be {data:property_type} not just property_type
threecats 04 Jul, 2019
Huh. Well, that did work. I wonder why it needed to have the data: specified, when it doesn't for the earlier if which simply uses contact_purpose...? Or is that just a "bug" which allows it to work anyway?
healyhatman 04 Jul, 2019
Does "contact_purpose" equal "question" ? You might as well have said "IF 1 = 2". That if condition will ALWAYS be not equal. You need to replace that with {data:contact_purpose} as well.
threecats 04 Jul, 2019
Got it, Not sure why it was working before, - could have been just checking a particular set of options - but it's working perfectly now. Thanks for ALL your help!
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