
Security image double point

matmat 24 Jun, 2019

I have a problem on my front-end page, when i'm on my web site, i see on my form duplicate circles (checkbox).
Only the top circles can works (red rectangle).
When i check the form in preview mode , i don't see any problem.
I think so, the problem come to the css template.
I try to edit the css with my css cutom, but it's relly hard to have a correct display.
How can i fixe that ?[file=double-point.png]Double point[/file]
GreyHead 24 Jun, 2019
Hi Matmat,

The image link isn't working - I think that is a bug in the forum software :-(

We've seen this before where your template CSS tries to 'pretty-format' the form elements. Please try loading the form without the template by adding &tmpl=component to the URL. If that fixes the problem then you may need to edit or over-write the template CSS. Often there is a template setting that will allow you to turn off features like this.

matmat 24 Jun, 2019
Okay, thank you for your quick reply. When i try to adding : &tmpl=component, i receive an error message 404
I must to do that right : contact/formulaire-de-contact&tmpl=component
GreyHead 24 Jun, 2019
Hi matmat,

A query string always starts with ? e.g. so you need to try:

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