
Dynamic fields

foluso123 10 Jun, 2019
Hi @ all,

I created a form with some fields are hidden.
They only appear when an option is selected in the previous drop down field or radio field.
For example, "Will you wife attend? Yes or No" When Yes is selected, the hidden fields shows up, for the user to fill in wifes details.
I have created this using both radio and Drop downs in different instances and they work perfectly when previewing. But when i checked the form on the front end using the menu i created linking to the chrono forms, the hidden fields just showed up, instead of responding to options the user selects.
I am using chronoforms v6.

Kindly assist.
healyhatman 11 Jun, 2019
Probably because nothing is selected in the radio yet, right? So your other field isn't Yes or No (by the way you should use 1 or 0 for your values for a variety of reasons). So you either need to have a default selection, or have the hidey field default to hidden by adding "hidden" to the container class (under Advanced), or having a "hide" event for the "empty" condition in addition to your Yes / No events.
foluso123 11 Jun, 2019

Thanks for the reply.... If nothing is selected, it should still be hidden, until the radio button is selected. i have changed the values to 1 and 0 and it's still not working. I also tried attaching screen-shots in this reply so you can better understand, but screen-shots wont upload, i keep getting errors. I checked under the Info tabs for the fields i wanted to hide, under load states, I inserted HIDDEN, which now hides the field, but when i select YES on the front end ,the hidden fields are meant to display but they do not,
but it works perfectly on the preview.
See the values i used for the radio buttons events below.

Under Trigger event i chose SELECTING
Under Triggered action i chose SHOW
Under possible values i inserted 1
Under affected elements i Inserted field ID

The next row

Under Trigger event i chose UNSELECTING
Under Triggered action i chose HIDE
Under possible values i inserted 1
Under affected elements i Inserted field SAME ID as above.

Kindly assist
healyhatman 11 Jun, 2019
Don't use the field id use the field name.
foluso123 13 Jun, 2019
Hi, Thanks for the suggestions.
I used the field name it still doesnt work.

Am out of ideas🙄

healyhatman 13 Jun, 2019
Check JavaScript console for errors
foluso123 14 Jun, 2019

Thanks for your support, this are the errors i could find


Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ',latin-ext'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
register-for-convention:25 Mixed Content:
The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ',latin-ext'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
jquery-migrate.min.js?504e3572101ccf98ed8b44603c8c1864:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
keepalive.js?504e3572101ccf98ed8b44603c8c1864:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Joomla is not defined
at keepalive.js?504e3572101ccf98ed8b44603c8c1864:1
register-for-convention:1 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ',latin-ext'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
register-for-convention:1 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ',latin-ext'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
foluso123 14 Jun, 2019
Thanks for your support
Is it possible to message you the details privately?

foluso123 15 Jun, 2019

Kindly check your email( , i just sent the mail via(
It contains the access details.

Thanks once again for you r support.
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