

caw 15 May, 2019
cant override anything of the chronoforum css. i have tested in template, tested in chronoforum!
is it possible to override the whole theme? i dont like the color green, like here, but override css dont work!
healyhatman 15 May, 2019
Right click the offending element, inspect, find out what's wrong. You might need to add !important to your CSS.
caw 16 May, 2019
i know that... but dont work.
is it posiible to make a new theme?
healyhatman 16 May, 2019
What do you mean it "doesn't work" what does inspecting show for the CSS?
caw 16 May, 2019
override the css. waht about my qustion?
is it posiible to make a new theme?
healyhatman 16 May, 2019
No it's not possible to "make a new theme", except with CSS.
caw 16 May, 2019
can i override the theme in template like other oveerides in joomla? is it possiblle to use new css,?
healyhatman 16 May, 2019
Again, you can put CSS wherever you want, as long as it actually loads on the page you want you're good to go. If it's "not working" there are 3 options:

1) You did it wrong
2) You put it in the wrong place
3) Your template is badly made and uses !important tags when it shouldn't
caw 16 May, 2019
ok, i got override css. ...
caw 16 May, 2019
was my mistake... have missing an .
caw 16 May, 2019
ok. it works. but it is possible to override the views like normal joomla override in templates?
caw 16 May, 2019
why not? how can i override the layouts?
healyhatman 16 May, 2019
For a variety of reasons. Like most non-core components, it doesn't use the hooks that overrides work on, and I seriously doubt it ever ever ever will.

If you really want to "override the layouts" then you can edit the appropriate files in /libraries/cegcore2 but those changes will disappear when CF or CC gets updated.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
caw 16 May, 2019
i want to disable video und smilies in the editor. it appears wether i hav smilies dactivated. but found now solution via css
Max_admin 18 May, 2019
Did you add your CSS in the CSS setting in the forum settings page ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
caw 18 May, 2019
yes it works.
Max_admin 18 May, 2019
so problem solved ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
caw 19 May, 2019
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