In this moment i see at the same time:
- version 6.1.1 as LATEST VERSION on
- but i see 6.1.2 on Joomla update...
So, maybe doesn't works after 6.1.2 version?
The blog isn't always updated. 6.1.2 is the newest.
w3schools says @import has to be at the top of the document, I doubt that would be the case. Can you just import it normally with <linkrel="stylesheet"type="text/css"href="mystyle.css"> ?
Yes healyhatman,
but it was working perfectly... and what sense to load another css, with specific forms rules, to the full website?
And more: to "move" a full functionant form from-to other websites you need only to Export the form, and just re-Import it elsewhere without code/update any website for CSS loading.
I tried this here and the @import line is added to the page source code, how does it work for you ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Great! Now it works again!
Thank you!
@import url("..."); No working anymore 😢
Solved with an HTML MODULE with <link rel="stylesheet" href="...">, but with a CSS module with @import it doesn't works anymore.