i'm a little bit confused with the given url variables and options from 6.0.26 and previous to 6.0.27.
As i can see in https://www.chronoengine.com/faqs/74-chronoforms/chronoforms6/5289-variable-shortcodes the url options are:
URLs and Paths
{url:_self} to get the current page url
{url:event_name} to get a partial form event url, e.g.
{url:submit}will give /index.php?option=com_chronoforms6&cont=manager&chronoform=form_name&event=submit
{url/full:event_name} to get a full form event url, e.g.
{url/full:submit} will give https://my_domain.com/index.php?option=com_chronoforms6&cont=manager&chronoform=form_name&event=submit
You can add parameters to the url query strings like this {url:submit$param=value}
If i have a look in the paypalRedirect function / Return url after completion there is a hint how to use urls:
User full url or {url.full:event}
Please have a look at the changed syntax from dot (.) to slash (/)
Until CF 6.0.26 paypal got an ipn url which was heading to https://www.mydomain.com/component/chronoforms6/?chronoform=myform&event=ipn
This worked fine for me.
Since CF 6.0.27 paypal wants to communicate with https://www.mydomain.com/myform.html?chronoform=myform&event=ipn
But this url is only available for registered users because the form is not live yet. Paypal can't send a successful ipn😟
My questions:
- Did you change the behaviour / syntax of url in CF 6.0.27 (no info at https://www.chronoengine.com/blog/5323-chronoforms-v6-0-27-update)
- Which url syntax should be used if i want to let paypal send an ipn to my form which is only available for registered users?
- Was it my fault?