
Chronoform error view

dmmario 01 Apr, 2019
Hello everyone.

I have a problem with chronoform5 on joomla. I created a form but I noticed that with a dropdown menu I know google chrome you see the arrow where it makes you select the content, while on firefox this arrow does not appear at the bottom but you still load the contents of the list. Is there any way to make this arrow appear even on firefox?

Thank you
Max_admin 01 Apr, 2019

Do you have a screenshot of the problem ? also its recommended to use v6 now

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dmmario 02 Apr, 2019
upload screen. Thanks
Max_admin 03 Apr, 2019
Maybe some CSS conflict, did you try v6 ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dmmario 03 Apr, 2019
No, I can't try version 6. If it was a Css problem how can I understand it?

thank you
GreyHead 03 Apr, 2019
Hi dmmario,

Please can you post a link to the form page so we can take a look?

dmmario 03 Apr, 2019

This is private content

GreyHead 04 Apr, 2019
Hi dmmario,

When I first viewed the form in FireFox (on Windows 10) I could see the drop-down arrows OK - then FireFox asked me to restart to upgrade to the latest release and the arrow disappeared. Seems to be something to do with the default FireFox settings but so far I haven't found any clues about how to fix it.

dmmario 05 Apr, 2019
I solved. It's a problem in the size = "" entry. A value must be entered (for example, 0), it doesn't have to be For example "...... size =" 0 "
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