
Form (in articel) will not work until Update

Tigra 11 Mar, 2019
i use Joomla v 3.9.3
Chrono form v6.
The form not showing inside article just shows {chronoforms6}contact{/chronoforms6} instead.
Where as form as a menu component loads it works fine. Is there any config that needs to be enabled, for article in form loading, first?
Befor i used Version 6.0.25 it worked.
Max_admin 11 Mar, 2019
Hi Tigra,

This is in an article page or a blog page or a module ?

Do you have a link to the form ?

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Tigra 11 Mar, 2019
thanks for reply.

I'm not sure - it's a Page in "SP Page Builder".

Here is the Site:

Username: wartung
Password: chilli
healyhatman 12 Mar, 2019
You can create your own module and then put that in SP Page Builder. An SP Page Builder page is NOT an article, so the article short-tags won't work.
Max_admin 12 Mar, 2019
Ok, you need to go to Extensions > plugins > search for "chrono", open chronoengine_gcore2 > Advanced

Now in the components box enter this:
Before the last update the shortcode would work in all components, but now it only works for the Joomla articles + any components defined in the components box only!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Tigra 12 Mar, 2019
Great! Thank you very much! It works.
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