
Empty zone for "Designer"

jordi hayas 03 Mar, 2019
I'm trying to configure the "contact-basic-form-captcha" or introduce a "recaptcha" in basic-contact-form but, the zone where I have to work is empty!. Whats the problem? I Attached a capture
Max_admin 03 Mar, 2019
Hi jordi,

I'm not sure what is causing this issue but please use v6 instead!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jordi hayas 03 Mar, 2019
HI, thanks for your answer.
If I have used a simple form "demo-basic-contact" but I have translate in 6 languages. If I install chronoforms v6, the work I have done for this form will disappear?. What steps do I have to follow to change to v6 and be able to continue working on the form that I have already created?
jordi hayas 05 Mar, 2019
Please, can you you answer me?
Thanks in davance
healyhatman 05 Mar, 2019
If you install V6 it won't overwrite the work you've done in V5. It installs alongside V5 not over the top of it.
Max_admin 06 Mar, 2019
Hi jordi,

Your v5 form will not be lost, you can take a form backup in v5 and restore it in v6, it will not be restore completely but only partially.

The translation strings can be copied easily but calling them in the form needs to be changed a bit to work on v6

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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