
DB Multi Record Loader in Chronoforms6 ver6 v6

edebeer 26 Feb, 2019
I have been using v4's "DB Multi Record Loader" to make a list of form entries to be edited. Is there a tutorial on how to do the same thing in version 6?
healyhatman 26 Feb, 2019
No tutorial. You use the "add model" button, relate it to the first model, fill in the required details. Do the relationship manually unless you have your database tables set up properly, like this
edebeer 27 Feb, 2019
I just can't figure this out! In v4 I found a tutorial that made it so easy. The tutorial was titled "How to list table multiple rows and edit their data" and it explained how "to create another form to list all records and give us the ability to edit any one of them".

I have not been able to figure out how to do this in v6. Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I tried to find "add model" button, but came up with nothing.

healyhatman 27 Feb, 2019
Okay I might have been confused sorry. Have you tried the demos?
ajdimac 03 May, 2019
Did you ever find a solution?

We are trying to create a form that lists the table entries, enables an edit button that opens a record and then can save the record back to the table.

Any idea?

-- AJD
ajdimac 03 May, 2019
Currently we are using a demo version with a 10 day validation license. However, it seems that the demos are using functions that are available in version 6. Do we need a full validation in order to accomplish this?


-- AJD
ajdimac 03 May, 2019
Correction - are NOT available

healyhatman 03 May, 2019
what functions are they using that you're missing
ajdimac 03 May, 2019
In CCv6 the demo dynamic under views had a view called article_form_fields using a component called fields in which they build the content of the form, this component Fields does not exist to me. Do i need to build the form with multiple view components or does this view component exist somewhere that i can not see?
healyhatman 03 May, 2019
You need to use the inputs yourself inside a form element.
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