
CF5 and PHP7.2

fabian85416 19 Feb, 2019
Hi all,

is there a known problem with CF5 and PHP > 7.0?
Since I updated PHP (now 7.2) on the webserver the CF5 environment in my Joomla installation is no longer functional.

2dn question:
If the answer is: use CF6, (how) can I import my CF5 scripts to CF6?

Thank you and
Best regards,

healyhatman 19 Feb, 2019
Yes, and move to CFv6 anyway. You can import the design of the v5 form to v6, but nothing else will translate over you'll have to rebuild it. Just remember
$this->data("field", "default_value_if_not_found")
For form data and
$this->get("actionname", "default_value_if_not_found")
for action data when using PHP. I also have a shortcodes reference for free on my site you can load up to see how various shortcodes look on your site.
fabian85416 19 Feb, 2019
Thank you for your quick answer,

Did I get this right? No way CF5 with PHP 7.2? I had a lot of work with the concerned form (manipulation of different database tables, several emails and so on).

I have to import the CF5 form to CF6 and then see what I will have to rebuild or correct?

Best regards,
healyhatman 19 Feb, 2019
There are "issues" with 7.2 but I don't think they're insurmountable. What errors are showing?
fabian85416 19 Feb, 2019
Strange: I had suppressed the display of errors. Now I swiched again to 'standard display of errors', but no error message is shown anymore!

The form isn't displayed correctly on the frontend. But may be this is beacuse of the different PHP syntax, or because the database connection is not established...
Hm, if there is no 'official' recommendation of chronoengine not to use CF5 in combination with PHP 7.2, I will try to make it work with CF5, seems to be a lesser effort.

Thank you!
healyhatman 19 Feb, 2019
Could you be more specific about how it's not displayed correctly on the frontend?
fabian85416 19 Feb, 2019
Sorry, I don't want to waste your time.

First I will have to make some more tests and 'investigations'.
Then I'll get back to you.

Thank you for the moment.
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