
Custom fields in form

teazmo 16 Feb, 2019

I would like to use custom fields I created to add additional information to the user data (like streetname, hometown etc) in my form. Is it possible to use the designer or setup section in my chronoforms dashboard or do I have to add custom code?
healyhatman 16 Feb, 2019
Use V6 instead it'll be much easier.
teazmo 18 Feb, 2019
Hi healyhatman,

Thanks for the response. I'm definitely going to try out v6, but unfortunately I need a quick solution for a couple of custom fields, that I would like to use in my form in CFv5. I want the user to register and once he or she is registered, all of the contact data is stored and will be inserted into the form like a placeholder, so they don't have to fill in all their contact infos over and over again.

GreyHead 03 Mar, 2019
Hi Teazmo,

You can save the data to a table linked to their new user ID, or you can use the Joomla! custom fields options.

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