
Google NoCatcha Randomly Stops Working - Joomla 3.9.2

indieben 07 Feb, 2019
Debug doesn't give anything away. I've configured nocaptcha properly as I have it working on a new form (for how long is a different matter). I have compared the forms that do not work with the one that does - there is no difference in the configuration.

This product and the lack of support on bug reports (5 days on two of my reports now without response) is infuriating, incompetent and ridiculous. Come on people - pull your socks up please. Using forms is not a hobby, it's essential to people's livelihoods and you clearly don't take the fact that you have well and truly cocked up with v6 seriously or you'd be keeping people updated, fixing issues and responding quickly with interim fixes (step by step) whilst you work on resolving the issue. The current bugs are damaging my reputation.
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
The recaptcha has disappeared off all of my current forms randomly, it's appeared on a new one that I created. I really don't get it. I'm no good at spotting JS issues (using Chromium currently) but I don't code (other than SCSS/CSS). I don't mind having a look if I can find out anything further if you can point me in the right direction to give you some further information?

I'm displaying the forms using the Joomla module. Laptop and PC Repair option (form) should display a recaptcha on the last page - it's just not displaying at all. - at the bottom.

healyhatman 07 Feb, 2019
I opened up your form and I'm going to guess you've got some things around backwards. I'm getting "You didn't pass the noCaptcha verification" when I LOAD the page.
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
Ah yeah, that's something I did **after** I put the message on here as I was frantically trying anything. I've removed it again but you will see that it still doesn't display. I don't have anything relating to the captcha in the load section but I think that was just a v5 requirement as the form that works doesn't load anything there either...

healyhatman 07 Feb, 2019
OK I think I see the problem, or at least one of them.
[DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #display-section1:

In your display section action for the "main" form (the one where you select the services required) try changing the ID to something else, like service_selection or something.
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
Would I change the "one" out for something else then?

healyhatman 07 Feb, 2019
No. Just the id.

Could also just call the section directly into a div with {form/section:form name/one} if having two forms is causing the errors
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
Sorry to be struggling a bit to understand, for example here, there is nowhere to rename that section - - with your suggested fix, where would I put that exactly and in what area? Thanks.
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
aha, I've changed that id but still the same issues with backwards and forwards buttons - I'm really keen to keep the tabs, I like the layout and it looks cool - any idea about the nocaptcha issue though please? Thanks.
healyhatman 07 Feb, 2019
I'm talking about the nocaptcha issue. How are you displaying the secondary form?
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
I'm using your solution that you originally gave me. It's not that though because you can see a version of the laptop and pc services form by going to the relevant website section from the top main menu - the nocaptcha still doesn't display though.

healyhatman 07 Feb, 2019
It's displaying for me at
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
Ah fair enough! So, through the form reloading other forms, it's somehow interfering with the google captcha. Mehhhh - any ideas? Thanks!
healyhatman 07 Feb, 2019
The thing I said. Don't load another form, load the section.
indieben 07 Feb, 2019
Sure, you did actually advise against loading a different form in my scenario.

The problem is, in combining the forms in this way, I lose the ability to have forms sent to me using different Email addresses depending on the type of form completed which is what I envisaged happening without knowing some complex code (and i’m not a coder).

it did work though initially, that’s what I can’t get my head around!

As for sections, I was trying to look this up in the manual as i’m not sure how that would look and how it would function but, unless I missed it, I don’t think any instructions are in there.

healyhatman 08 Feb, 2019
OK I think I have it figured out. The recaptcha View (the bit that tells it to show) uses PHP to modify the <head> to include the reference to the Google API needed to run and display the captcha. Because you're loading the form via AJAX that doesn't happen.

Try putting a custom javascript object at the top of the form and in the "files list" put
If that doesn't work, try a custom html block with
<script src=""></script>
indieben 14 Mar, 2019
Well done Healyhatman, the first option didn't work, the second did for me. I wonder if it's to do with Chronoforms (maybe unintended) relationship with Gantry i.e. the way Gantry works vs Chronoforms... Admin, please would you take a look at this. Many thanks.
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