
Files config is empty - Error Message on Multipage Form

OlliMuc 01 Feb, 2019

I've set up a multi form: First page is a dropdown that leads to three different form pages. One of them has a file upload field, the others don't. So, if I chose a form that hasn't file upload, the form DOES send properly and gives a success message, but also the following error message:
Files config is empty
Any clues on why this is happening and how I can avoid it?
healyhatman 01 Feb, 2019
Well are you still trying to use the file upload action? Maybe you should put it behind an event switcher - if {session:multipage.dropdownfield} is (whatever the file upload option is), THEN do the file upload.
OlliMuc 01 Feb, 2019
Thank you so much, healyhatman - this actually solved the issue! Just a bit surprised this happened - if I just have one form with upload possibility (and without event switching), there's no error message if a file isn't uploaded ... with event switcher, there is. Well - this worked - so thank you for taking the time to reply and helping me figure it out!
Alistair 09 Oct, 2020
Getting the same error on a simple form (not multiform as the TO). Present configuration attached.
Files config is empty

Max_admin 14 Oct, 2020
how about v7 ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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