
repetear does not save to sql

emrahsevgi 31 Dec, 2018

I have a multipage form which form's last page has a repeater area with multiply option. I attached screenshots of events and last page fields. My form does not save datas to form's database. I can not find my mistake.

Happy new year!

thanks for your help.

Debugger result is:

healyhatman 31 Dec, 2018
Auto manage doesn't work with array style field names. Build your database table manually and manually add the fields to the data override list
emrahsevgi 31 Dec, 2018
thanks for your answer. But repater is creating fields on database. I checked in phpmyadmin. Form does not saving repeater are or unrepeater area. Problem is not only on repater fields. And if a user wants creating much more fields by multiply button, how can I know how much field I will create.

If I can not do this by multiply can I do that according to dropdown data provider?

thanks and happy new year
emrahsevgi 31 Dec, 2018
thanks for your answer. But repater is creating fields on database. I checked in phpmyadmin. Form does not saving repeater area or unrepeater area. Problem is not only on repater fields.
And if a user wants creating much more fields by multiply button, how can I know how much field I will create. If I can not do this by multiply can I do that according to dropdown data provider?
thanks and happy new year
healyhatman 31 Dec, 2018
Need to either save each as an entry on another table and reference the parent table, or JSON encode them and save them as a TEXT or JSON field in the database.
emrahsevgi 31 Dec, 2018
I removed repeater area and fields. But form does not save datas to joomla database. I attached phpmyadmin screenshot and debugger result screenshots. thank you.

GreyHead 31 Dec, 2018
Hi emrahsevgi,

The Debugger output you have posted does not show any evidence of a DB Save action.

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