
Make hidden field visible on button click

netwa 19 Dec, 2018
Hi there,
we've got a form with 3 fields and 3 buttons (1st one visible, 2nd+ 3rd hidden). We want the following:
Fill field -> validate -> button becomes clickable -> after click, second field and button become visible and so on

Can we achieve this only with Chronoforms?
GreyHead 19 Dec, 2018
Hi netwa,

Yes you can do that using the element 'Events' settings.

netwa 19 Dec, 2018
Do you have an example for download, which shows this function?
healyhatman 19 Dec, 2018
You can use the events to "Show" an element when you click a button. But for the part where you want to do field validation before enabling the button you will have to code yourself.

Chronoforms uses Semantic-UI, if you want to start researching on how to do it.
netwa 20 Dec, 2018
I have found the Events-Tab🙂 Thank you!
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