
You didn't pass the NoCaptcha verification.

kinesgirl 11 Dec, 2018
The check mark in the box next to "I'm not a robot" is green, then the site seems stalled (greys out and has a twirling arrow), and finally it says You didn't pass the NoCaptcha verification.

I've double-checked that my secret and site keys are correct.
healyhatman 12 Dec, 2018
Any errors in your Javascript console?
kinesgirl 12 Dec, 2018
No errors in Javascript console.

It's almost like it tries to verify security and then times out.
healyhatman 12 Dec, 2018
Drag a debug action in there to check?
GreyHead 12 Dec, 2018
Hi kinesgirl,

Does this work if you test the form from the View Form link in the Forms Manager. If so, the please try hard-coding the Action URL for the form in the Display Section action - it seems as though the Joomla! router sometimes 'damages' the ReCaptcha data before it gets to the form On Submit action.

kinesgirl 13 Dec, 2018
Hi Bob,

I am getting the same error from the View Form link in the Forms Manager.
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