
Open search results php in joomla page

Mwa19 20 Sep, 2018
Hi, I have a search form on my site which works fine. Only problem is that if I submit the form to search.php. The results open in a blank page without my menus etc. Is there a possibility to open the results on a joomla page or perhaps in an iframe. I'm really stuck here...
healyhatman 20 Sep, 2018
.... Why are you "submitting the form to search.php" ?
Mwa19 20 Sep, 2018
I use a third party search engine.
healyhatman 20 Sep, 2018
Right well I would probably ask that third party search engine for help then, doesn't seem like it would be anything to do with Chronoforms.
Mwa19 20 Sep, 2018
They say I have to create a file mysearch.php with server side includes. But this does not help me any further. I managed to make a component in joomla of the search function but this does not help me any further. Exploring all the options now. Hoped somebody here could help me. Maybe it is possible to open the results in a wrapper?
healyhatman 20 Sep, 2018
Instead of submitting the results to search.php, submit them normally and then in a PHP action include the php file. If you're not sure what that means you need more help than I can give you just via the forums.
Mwa19 20 Sep, 2018
Thanks for the hint, I'm going to try.
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