
Chronoforms V6 is confusing me

deef73 21 Aug, 2018
I'm a whole day trying to make a field on a website.... but chronoform is giving me a hard time. I have multiple problems.... but the first one is this

I want to select out of the database a postal_code (Postnummer)

field_dropdown112 let me choose the country

SELECT*FROM`GeoCountries`WHERE`country_code`='BE' AND `postal_code`LIKE'%1000%'

I'm trying to get the autocomplete working....
I have added in the advance tab read_data2 as Autocomplete event.

But it's confusing me what I have to place in the read_data2 action

I have tryed so much


healyhatman 22 Aug, 2018
Have you tried the autocomplete demo form? And reading the manual?
deef73 22 Aug, 2018
I was started out of the autocompleter form.... and I have the printed manual next to me🙂

The artikel demo I have got up and running🙂

I will change the name of it within a few hours.
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