
How to combine three fields in one? Day/Month/Year

indiana71 04 Aug, 2018
Hi Bob,

I create a form with tree combo fields, one for day, one for month, one for year.
I used this solution because I had some issue on mobile.

Now my problem is... how to combine the three field in one named "birthday" that will be saved on db?

In PHP I can use a solution like that, but how in chronoform?
$birthday = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2018
Hi indiana71,

You can use a PHP action in the form On Submit event to create a new data item. Pleaes see page 34 of the CFv6 manual.

indiana71 04 Aug, 2018
Thanks, and to save it on db?
Can I use an hidden field? and mark the single one as "no save", "no email"?
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2018
Hi indiana71,

Once you have added 'birthday' to the form data you can save it with a Save Data action like any other form data.

Can I use an hidden field? and mark the single one as "no save", "no email"?

Sorry, I don't understand what you are asking here :-(

indiana71 04 Aug, 2018
Thanks Bob. Don't care for the second question. You just answer me!

Meanwhile I used another solution. I don't know if it is less efficient, but it works.
I left here for some other people that need it.

I put a Javascript and a custom hidden field named "birthday" on my form.
Inside Javascript (flagged 'Add Inside domready event') I put this code:
$("#birthday,#birthmonth,#birthyear").on("change", function(){
$("#datebirth").val( $("#birthyear").val() + "-" + $("#birthmonth").val() + "-" + $("#birthday").val() );

#birthday and #birthmonth are two combo fields with values (01, 02, 03, ...10, 11...)

#birthyear is another combo that recall a php function in setup section
developed as follow:
$years = array_combine(range(date("Y"), 1900), range(date("Y"), 1900));
return $years;
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2018
Hi indiana71,

Using JavaScript is good too.

healyhatman 04 Aug, 2018
OR just put the following in your save data action
indiana71 01 Nov, 2018
Hi Bob,

I used Javascript solution for a long but sometime data field save on db blank. I think that some browser don't work javascript well.
Now I'm trying to switch to PHP solution.

I use review page before submit to database.
On review page I can view datas. I added the following PHP code on review and it work

$this->data['datebirth'] = $this->data['birthyear'] . "-" . $this->data['birthmonth'] . "-" . $this->data['birthday'];
$this->data['passportissue'] = $this->data['pass_whenIssuedYear'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_whenIssuedMonth'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_whenIssuedDay'];
$this->data['passportexpiry'] = $this->data['pass_expirationYear'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_expirationMonth'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_expirationDay'];

$this->data("datebirth", $this->data['birthyear'] . "-" . $this->data['birthmonth'] . "-" . $this->data['birthday'], true);
$this->data("passportissue", $this->data['pass_whenIssuedYear'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_whenIssuedMonth'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_whenIssuedDay'], true);
$this->data("passportexpiry", $this->data['pass_expirationYear'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_expirationMonth'] . "-" . $this->data['pass_expirationDay'], true);

On submit page I lost datebirth, passportissue and passportexpiry.

I tryed also to insert

into savedata action, but nothing!

Data wont save on DB.

indiana71 01 Nov, 2018
Data empty..

I found the solution, I hope.
Passing through a form to another I need to fill again the data fields. The system lost them.

So I added another PHP Action with same code of review page to submit page.
healyhatman 01 Nov, 2018
You should be using the multi page action
indiana71 01 Nov, 2018
Multipage I've use....
healyhatman 01 Nov, 2018
Then unless you tick the mix with data button, you need to use {session.multipage:field}
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