
Using containers set to slider when click on slider page jumps

michaelFFW 03 Jun, 2018
I am using containers in chronforms v5 set to slider area and sliders per instructions found on forum.
The sliders work great except when you click on any slider below the first the page jumps to bottom of page.
Which means when you click on slider you have to scroll up to get to top of slider section that is open.
Not sure how to resolve this. Tried building same in v5 but same results.
Thank you.
GreyHead 03 Jun, 2018
Hi michaelFFW ,

Not something I've seen reported before, please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

michaelFFW 03 Jun, 2018
This is a test site so the user listed has no info but the way it works is exactly same with live data.

Select My Account and then Change Profile.

When you select the "Modify Ride Notification links the page jumps.

This is private content

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