
Form does not load

miwa123 26 Mar, 2018
After configuring the setup of the form, the form does not load anymore. It is loading and loading but nothing comes. The following error message occurs:

The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.Please try again later.ca45efb7d41200f71f5d6dd26b18a22d 5df1e5f9ff2c499bbd12353d7aee1f8f 274ab85cf90332bb32745179a419e6ee


I did the set up like in the attached document according to your manual. (Everything is really quite complicated....)

What went wrong?

GreyHead 26 Mar, 2018
Hi Michaela,

I do not see any error on the page that you linked to. I also checked the Kontakt form and that looks OK to me.

miwa123 26 Mar, 2018
Sorry, but the site is not loading. You sould see a form there and not the frontpage. Just the fontpage is loading on that link , but not the subpage - this should be the form . It is called "Vorbestellung" in the main menu. Please click on that page and you will see that it does not load.
GreyHead 26 Mar, 2018
HI Michaela,

Does the form load correctly from the View link in the Forms Manager?

What is the form name please?

miwa123 26 Mar, 2018
I think I know what I did wrong. Everything on the set up is under "load". But it needs to be under "submit". I will change this and see if it is working.
miwa123 26 Mar, 2018
Now it is loading again.

But another question: I would like to style the e-mail. What do I have to take for the data: value? Is is the name or the ID? When I take the name, I get the e-mail with no data, just what I have written in set up

E-Mail Content:

Allgemeine Angaben:
Bestellung: {textarea24}
Vorname: {Vorname}
Name: {Name}
Anschrift: {Anschrift}
Telefon: {Telefon}


<p><strong>Allgemeine Angaben:</strong></p>
<p>Bestellung: {data:textarea24}</p>
<p>Vorname: {data:Vorname}</p>
<p>Name: {data:Name}</p>
<p>Anschrift: {data:Anschrift}</p>
<p>Telefon: {data:Telefon}</p>
GreyHead 27 Mar, 2018
Hi miwa123 ,

Please check page 16 in the CFv6 manual.

miwa123 27 Mar, 2018
I read the documentation and did like it said. But it seems not to be right, see my last post. I write {date:vorname}. But in email the name is not shown, just what I have written in the last post.
miwa123 27 Mar, 2018
Everything is working fine now.

Thank you!
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