
Star Rating Chronoforms V6

DrSmith69 04 Jan, 2018
Good Day,

I am attempting to add a star rating to my form.

I followed the following tutorial:

However I am getting this error:

An error has occurred.
500 JHtmlBehavior::mootools not found.

I have double checked the file locations etc, still giving me an error.

Also is there anyway to trigger another box that if the rating is less than 5 a reason box pops up for the user to complete?
DrSmith69 05 Jan, 2018
Just to add onto this, I have updated the Jhtml section to work as follows: JHtml::_('behavior.framework');

This has removed the error however there are no stars showing, just the generic radio buttons
DrSmith69 05 Jan, 2018
Decided to go a differemt route, however perhaps someone can post an answer to assist someone else
GreyHead 05 Jan, 2018
Hi DrSmith69,

The tutorial was written for an earlier version of Joomla which used the MooTools JavaScript library - I imagine that something similar can be done using a jQuery plug-in in the current Joomla! versions.

M.Abletech 18 Dec, 2018
Hi Bob,
I followed your suggestion and tried to use a star rating with a jQuery Plugin, as reported in this FAQ:

Result: the <head> section in the html page report the correct references to js and css, but radio buttons are shown in usual way, no star at all.

Maybe that FAQ works only in ChronoForm 5...
Any suggestion? Can I have a tutorial on "how to use star rating in ChronoForm 6"?

Thank you
M.Abletech 07 Jan, 2019
Has anyone created a star rating system in Chronoforms 6?
I have tried for a long time, without result. Have you ever tried with Chronoforms 6? Am I the only one?

Please, give me any kind of suggestions... please... Would be very appreciated.
healyhatman 14 Mar, 2019
Semantic UI includes a star-rating class, but it doesn't appear to be included with CF. And even that would need to be modified to work as an input.
Max_admin 30 Mar, 2019
A star rating widget has been added to the latest release!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dwirianto 25 Nov, 2019
Chronforms6 6.1.4 Package 6.1.2, ChronoengineGcore2 1.0.

It's really great if we can have validation rules set to this awesome rating widget.

Use case: when Rating value has no value

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