
Insert Records: merge fields

Missimi 24 Sep, 2017
Hi all,

i use a "utente_form" joined to a "utente_form_field" for insert records into a table through a "save_utente" event with a call {fn:save_utente}.
Two fields in the form have "firstname" and "lastname" label (ID "text41" and "text66" respectively): the first is joined to "utente[firstname]" and the second to "utente[lastname]", where "utente" is the table's model name.
The flow is correctly working
Now, i wish to write an other table column, "name", combining "firstname" and "lastname" separated by a space.
I tried to use the section "Data override on Insert" of the "save_pensionato" function but i don't known the correct formula for retrieve the two text field and chain them.
Is there a way to do?

Thank you in advance
Max_admin 25 Sep, 2017
Hi Missimi,

Yes, you can use the following in the "Data override":

name:{data:utente.firstname} {data:utente.lastname}

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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