Upon updating Chronoforms to the latest v.6.0.6, I had to reinstall TCPDF from the download page because the Choronoforms update removed the TCPDF function. The following error appear after the reinstalling of TCPDF:
"Warning: parse_ini_file(/home/hmwi/public_html/portal/libraries/cegcore2/admin/extensions/chronofc/functions/tcpdf/tcpdf.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hmwi/public_html/portal/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms/themes/default/views/connections/functions_config.php on line 9"
I looked into the file hierarchy of the cegcore2/chronofc folder and discovered that the updated plug-ins, modules and TCPDF folders were automatically added a "s" to the folder name (which did not match the file path of the above warning message. Also _MACOSX folders were created inside the mod_chronoform6s, pig_chronoform6s and tcpdfs folders.
Should I rename all folders by removing the "s" at the end and delete the _MACOSX folders to allow the TCPDF function to work?
Thank you for any instructions to correct this error.

"Warning: parse_ini_file(/home/hmwi/public_html/portal/libraries/cegcore2/admin/extensions/chronofc/functions/tcpdf/tcpdf.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hmwi/public_html/portal/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms/themes/default/views/connections/functions_config.php on line 9"
I looked into the file hierarchy of the cegcore2/chronofc folder and discovered that the updated plug-ins, modules and TCPDF folders were automatically added a "s" to the folder name (which did not match the file path of the above warning message. Also _MACOSX folders were created inside the mod_chronoform6s, pig_chronoform6s and tcpdfs folders.

Should I rename all folders by removing the "s" at the end and delete the _MACOSX folders to allow the TCPDF function to work?
Thank you for any instructions to correct this error.