
TCPDF installation with Chronoforms v.6.0.6 update error

tenspiderfingers 26 Aug, 2017
Upon updating Chronoforms to the latest v.6.0.6, I had to reinstall TCPDF from the download page because the Choronoforms update removed the TCPDF function. The following error appear after the reinstalling of TCPDF:

"Warning: parse_ini_file(/home/hmwi/public_html/portal/libraries/cegcore2/admin/extensions/chronofc/functions/tcpdf/tcpdf.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hmwi/public_html/portal/administrator/components/com_chronoforms6/chronoforms/themes/default/views/connections/functions_config.php on line 9"

I looked into the file hierarchy of the cegcore2/chronofc folder and discovered that the updated plug-ins, modules and TCPDF folders were automatically added a "s" to the folder name (which did not match the file path of the above warning message. Also _MACOSX folders were created inside the mod_chronoform6s, pig_chronoform6s and tcpdfs folders.

Should I rename all folders by removing the "s" at the end and delete the _MACOSX folders to allow the TCPDF function to work?

Thank you for any instructions to correct this error.
tenspiderfingers 28 Aug, 2017
I have the problem resolved. For Mac users, when downloading the updated zip files, Safari automatically unzips them if you have selected the preference to do so. Incorrectly, I re-zip the files in order for Chronoforms to perform the "Install Feature" function and to cause the folders installed at wrong places. In order to perform the installation correction, the downloaded zip files need to be the original unzipped version.
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